Todd Manning (identity Victor assumed between May 2003 and Aug 2011)
Walker Laurence (identity Victor initially assumed when he arrived in Llanview in May 2003)
Born January 2, 1970
Birth year was changed to 1973 in 2008; Birth year re-established as 1970 on his tombstone in 2011
Executed and declared dead before being revived [as Todd Manning, May 29, 2006]
Flatlined in the emergency room after being beaten by Cole Thornhart [as Todd Manning, May 2010]
Sustained a gunshot wound August 30, 2011; believed to have died of his injuries on August 31, 2011
Revealed to be alive and being held prisoner by Allison Perkins on Jan. 13, 2012
Birthday celebrated on-air on April 29, 2013
Owner and publisher of the Sun newspaper
437 Jackson Hill Road, Llanview, Pennsylvania
Formerly Dorian's home, La Boulaie (56 Lincoln Street, Llanview, Pennsylvania)
Formerly with his mother in Louisiana
Married to Téa Delgado (Engaged: Jul 14, 2010; married: Aug 3, 2010)
Blair Cramer (while masquerading as Walker Laurence, Nov 2003 to Jan 2004; annulled)
Blair Cramer* (Sep 28, 2007 to Jul 2, 2008; divorced)
Téa Delgado* (Married: Sept 29, 2009; invalid)
Téa Delgado* (Engaged: Jul 14, 2010; married: Aug 3, 2010)
* As Todd Manning
Victor Lord (father; deceased)
Irene Manning Clayton (mother; deceased)
Peter Manning (maternal cousin; father via adoption; deceased)
Barbara "Bitsy" Jones Manning (mother; via adoption; deceased)
Tina Clayton Lord Roberts (sister)
Todd Manning (twin brother)
Tony Lord (paternal half-brother; deceased)
Victoria Lord Banks (half-sister)
Meredith Lord Wolek (paternal half-sister; deceased)
Powell Lord, Sr. (paternal uncle; deceased)
Gwendolyn Lord (paternal aunt; deceased)
Clinton James "C.J." Roberts (nephew)
Sarah Roberts (niece)
Starr Manning (niece)
Jack Cramer Manning (nephew)
Danielle Rayburn (niece)
Hope Manning Thornhart (great-niece; deceased)
Brian Kendall (nephew; deceased)
Megan Gordon (niece; deceased)
Kevin Buchanan Sr. (nephew)
Joseph Buchanan (nephew)
Jessica Buchanan (niece)
Natalie Buchanan (niece)
Daniel Wolek (nephew)
Peter Manning (maternal cousin; deceased)
Powell Lord II (paternal first cousin)
Powell Lord III (paternal first cousin once removed; deceased)
Richard Abbott (paternal cousin)
Duke Buchanan (great-nephew; deceased)
Kevin Buchanan Jr. (great-nephew; deceased)
Megan Buchanan (great-niece; deceased)
Brennan "Bree" Buchanan (great-niece)
Zane Buchanan (great-great-nephew)
Chloe Brennan (great-niece; deceased)
Ryder Asa Lovett (great-nephew)
Liam Asa McBain (great-nephew)
Sam Manning (son; with Margaret; born 2006)
Victor Lord, III (son, with Téa; Jun 1, 2012; deceased)
Evangeline Williamson* (flirtation and kissed, Feb 2007; deceased)
Marty Saybrooke* (had sex while she had amnesia, Nov 2008)
Kelly Cramer* (kissed twice, 2010)
* As Todd Manning
Accused of raping Blair on New Year's Eve; sentenced to ten years in prison (found innocent and released) [2003] *
Falsely convicted of killing Margaret Cochran and their unborn son [2006] *
Kidnapped and tortured Spencer Truman in an attempt to locate his son [Dec 2006] *
Beat up Cole Thornhart after discovering him in bed with Starr [Mar 2008] *
Found Marty, who was believed dead, and kept her captive in his home [Jun 2008] *
Bribed Starr's obstetrician to tell Starr her baby had died [2008] *
Bribed Marty's nurse, Janet Ketring, to help steal Starr's baby [2008] *
Arrested for assaulting police officer Talia Sahid [2009] *
Shot Zach Rosen as he struggled with John McBain [2009] *
Shot and presumably killed Ross Rayburn as he tried to flee with Danielle [2009] *
Arrested and charged with pushing Marty down a flight of stairs, causing the death of her unborn baby (was not the guilty party) [2010] *
Had Hannah O'Connor abducted and taken to his office to question her about Marty's fall [2010] *
Shot and killed Bull after Bull tried to extort money from Todd in exchange for Nate Salinger [2010] *
Had Shaun Evans abducted and taken to his home to question him about Téa's whereabouts [2010] *
Shot Elijah Clarke in shoulder during standoff [2010] *
Tricked Starr into signing restraining order keeping Marty from seeing Hope [2010] *
Threatened Inez into revealing whereabouts of Dani and Nate [Feb 2011] *
Pulled unloaded gun on Dani, Nate, Starr and James [Feb 2011] *
Recanted his story that Tomas had shot him [May 2011] *
Blackmailed by Marty into harboring her and Natalie's baby, Liam [May 2011] *
Helped fugitive Marty escape Llanview [Jun 2011] *
Admitted to Téa that he had allowed Agent Baker to funnel money through The Sun in exchange for new business opportunities [Aug 2011] *
Apparently killed a tattooed man who was chasing him and dumped his body in the river [April 2013]
Poisoned Todd's liquor [May 2013]
Strangled Todd and left him for dead [May 2013]
* As Todd Manning
Brainwashed by his mother into thinking he was his twin brother, Todd Manning [2003]
Shot by Mitch Laurence [Jun 2003, while posing as Walker Laurence]
Shot during struggle with Flynn Laurence [Nov 2003] *
Shot by Asa Buchanan [Sep 2004] *
Shot by Margaret Cochran [Dec 2004] *
Raped by Margaret Cochran [Feb 2005] *
Stabbed with scissors by Margaret [Aug 2005] *
Declared dead after being given a lethal injection but then revived [May 2006] *
Attacked in Chicago while searching for his son [Apr 2007] *
Severely beaten by John McBain after Marty was discovered in his home [Nov 2008] *
Jumped from roof of Palace Hotel and needed to be resuscitated after landing in water [Jan 2009] *
Severely beaten by Russian thugs who kidnapped Starr and Hope [2009] *
Severely beaten by Cole Thornhart and flatlined in the emergency room [May 2010] *
Survived a warehouse explosion [Oct 2010] *
Shot by unknown assailant; in a coma [Mar 2011] *
Shot by unknown assailant; declared dead [Aug 2011]
Held captive by Allison Perkins [Revealed in Jan 2012]
* As Todd Manning
Victor Lord Jr. was the twin brother of Todd Manning and the product of an affair between Victor Lord and Irene Manning. No one knew of Victor's existence until a man bearing Todd Manning's original face appeared in Llanview in 2011 and claimed that the man who was posing as Todd Manning was actually a fake. Irene was discovered in southern Louisiana, more than 30 years after she was believed to have died, and shocked everyone by revealing that both men were twin brothers. Irene had given Todd to her cousin Peter Manning to raise and had kept the other son, Victor Jr., because she saw something special in him. Victor was raised in apparent isolation as Irene joined the CIA and later launched a rogue operation. In 2003, after Todd was left for dead in his father's crypt by Mitch Laurence and his goons, Irene had Todd brought to her secret facility and brainwashed Victor into believing that he was Todd. She even cut a scar onto his cheek so he would pass for Todd. But realizing that Mitch was still after Todd, Irene gave Victor plastic surgery so he would appear to be Mitch's long-lost brother Walker Laurence. Victor came to Llanview in May 2003, introduced himself as Walker and quickly became ensconced in Todd's former life before revealing that he was Todd -- a lie that even he believed.
Blair and Dorian both took a shine to Walker, and Blair agreed to make him a reporter at the Sun. Blair found herself the prime suspect in yet another murder when Mitch was killed days after his arrest. Blair -- not realizing Walker was manipulating her -- began to suspect Dorian as the killer. Dorian was cleared, and soon Blair started becoming more and more attracted to Walker. Meanwhile, Walker made a startling confession to Starr -- he was actually Todd. After having been brutally beaten and left near death by Mitch's goons, Todd had convinced doctors to make him over to resemble Mitch's brother, Walker. As Mitch hadn't seen Walker in several years, Todd had fooled him, along with all of Llanview.
As the weeks wore on, Blair started falling in love with Walker, despite everyone else's warning that he couldn't be trusted. One of the many people against Walker was Kevin Buchanan, another man Blair was finding herself attracted to despite the fact that he was married to Kelly. Kevin discovered that Walker was Todd but kept quiet for Blair's sake. When Blair realized Todd's scheme, all hell broke loose. She refused to let him near their children and divorced him. Extremely drunk on New Year's Eve 2003, Blair had a sleazy roll in the sheets with Kevin. Disgusted with herself, she prepared to leave the Palace Hotel. Todd spotted her, realized what her rumpled clothes meant, and followed her back to her room.
A short time later, Todd fled. Blair claimed she had been raped. She filed charges as well as custody papers. Throughout the trial, Todd went easy on her, and Blair stuck to her story, even as old nemesis Marty returned to town to testify and then told Blair she felt Todd was innocent. Soon after Todd's prison conviction, Blair passed out. She was suffering from a brain tumor. She realized that she might have been wrong about what had happened that night with Todd. As Todd got a retrial, due to a juror's hearing aid not working, Blair pondered changing her story, not knowing of Todd's plan to tear her credibility and life to shreds.
The relationship between Todd and Blair changed again after Starr took off to New York to meet a young man she had met on the Internet and was kidnapped. Todd and Blair were able to save their daughter, and even accepted her first boyfriend, Travis. When the community center caught fire, Todd rushed in to save Starr, and was later rescued himself by Blair, who finally realized how much she loved Todd, and the two reconciled. Unfortunately, they encountered an obstacle in the form of Margaret Cochran, whom Todd had wooed in an attempt to take down his rival, Kevin. Around the same time, Blair's cousin Kelly claimed that Todd was the father of her son, Ace. Todd knew that Ace was not really Kelly's child and confided this in Blair, who agreed to keep quiet. Margaret, who had tried to break up Todd and Blair by claiming she'd had an affair with Todd, kidnapped the baby, but Todd rescued Ace and had Margaret sent to the mental hospital.
Todd and Blair launched a plan to become respectable in Llanview. While looking over Blair and Asa's divorce decree, Todd realized that Blair legally owned Asa's home, and planned to move in. After Blair knocked Asa out in a heated conversation, Todd and Blair were convinced he was dead and drove him out to the woods, where they left him. Asa made his way back and shot Todd, and the two men, with Blair's help, made a deal -- Todd wouldn't press charges against Asa, and Asa would drop the feud. Todd and Blair made plans to remarry, but on the eve of the wedding, Todd was shot and kidnapped by a deranged Margaret Cochran, who was determined to get the man she thought belonged to her.
After Todd spent weeks in captivity, with Margaret wanting to make a baby, she finally raped Todd, threatening to kill Blair and the children if he did not sleep with her. Kevin rescued Todd, and Todd reluctantly admitted to Kevin that he had been raped. Meanwhile, Asa found Blair in the trunk of Margaret's; Asa had Blair institutionalized. Todd located Blair there, and they returned to Llanview, but Todd remained troubled by Margaret's rape of him, even having visions of Marty while drinking away the night at Victor Lord's mausoleum.
When Margaret discovered she was pregnant, she returned to Llanview. Todd attempted to strangle her, but she stabbed him with scissors and got away. Soon, a pregnant woman believed to be Margaret was found dead, and Todd was arrested for the murder. He and Blair split up over Blair's growing belief that Todd was guilty. Todd was tried, convicted, and sentenced to death for the crime.
Todd was administered the lethal injection but was revived at the very last second by Dr. Spencer Truman after it was revealed that Margaret was, in fact, alive. Spencer had orchestrated Margaret's murder and framed Todd. He had delivered her son, whom she named Todd Manning Jr., and then disposed of it in a black market adoption. Margaret died in a van wreck before she could reveal what had happened, and Todd believed his child with Margaret had died. In fact, the baby had been adopted by Marcie and Michael McBain and was living in Llanview under the name Tommy.
Blair begged Todd for forgiveness after thinking he was guilty of murder and set out to prove that Spencer was guilty of setting him up. She even agreed to marry Spencer in an attempt to get close to him. When she found out she was pregnant, Blair feared the child was Spencer's, but a paternity test revealed the unborn child was Todd's. Blair later was pushed off the roof of a warehouse during an argument between Todd and Spencer, and she lost the baby. Todd asked Blair to marry him, but she declined. Later, Spencer turned up dead.
Eventually, Mitch's brother, Miles Laurence, revealed to Todd that Spencer had orchestrated the adoption of Todd's son by the McBains. Desperate to win custody of his son, Todd paid Blair five million dollars to remarry him, which she did. Todd took the McBains to court and was awarded custody in October 2007. Marcie, however, escaped the courtroom with the child and went on the run, pursued for months by FBI agent Lee Ramsey and Marcie's brother-in-law, Detective John McBain. Marcie eventually was found, and Todd's son, whom Todd had renamed Sam, was returned to him.
Blair initially struggled to adjust as the stepmother to Todd's baby with another woman and was unsure whether she would be able to raise Sam as her own. Blair admitted her issues to Todd, who told Blair he loved her and wanted a real marriage with her. However, the marriage quickly unraveled when Todd caught Starr in bed with Marty's teenage son, Cole Thornhart, and nearly beat Cole to death. When Blair discovered Starr was pregnant, she got a restraining order against Todd to keep him away from his children. After Todd and Sam were in a car crash, and Todd had failed to put Sam in a car seat, Blair was awarded custody of Sam.
In June 2008, Todd followed his sister, Tina Lord Roberts, into his old penthouse apartment and discovered that Lee Ramsey had been shot to death. Tina was gone, but upstairs, Todd discovered Marty Saybrooke, who was believed to have died the previous December. Marty had amnesia and was unable to walk. Todd whisked her away to his new home and began nursing her back to health. He even hired the woman who had been nursing Marty under Lee's care, Janet Ketring, to continue caring for her at Todd's home. Todd led Marty to believe they were old college friends and did not tell her about her past or about his part in raping her. Todd's niece, Jessica, who was under the influence of her alternate personality, Tess, discovered that Marty was alive and living with Todd. Tess agreed not to say anything, in exchange for Todd keeping quiet about her reemergence.
Todd had divorce papers drawn up and delivered to Blair, who signed them in July 2008. In August 2008, Todd took Blair back to court to win back custody of Sam but was denied. The judge said Todd could try again in another year. Back at his home, Todd told Marty that Starr had agreed to give him her baby once it was born so that he and Marty could raise it somewhere away from Llanview. In reality, Todd had hatched a plan with Starr's obstetrician to make Starr believe the baby was dead.
In September, as Todd helped Marty walk for the first time since her accident, they shared a passionate kiss. They later nearly had sex, but Todd backed off. When Janet learned what Todd had done to Marty in college, Todd blackmailed her into keeping quiet with the knowledge that she was keeping her own true identity as the supposedly dead Lee Halpern a secret. He also admitted to Janet that he was falling in love with Marty. Todd then coerced Janet into helping him carry out his scheme to steal Starr's baby.
On the night that Starr gave birth, Todd told Marty to leave his house forever, but Marty refused, saying that she was in love with him. Marty led Todd upstairs, and the two made love. Feeling that he had become a better person with Marty's help, Todd changed his mind about stealing Starr's baby and went to the hospital to tell Dr. Joplin and Janet that the deal was off. Starr already had given birth to a healthy baby girl, and Dr. Joplin had whisked the baby to her office, lying that something was wrong with the baby and that she was being taken to the Neonatal ICU. Todd found Dr. Joplin and told the relived doctor that the deal was off. Todd left for home; however, Dr. Joplin discovered a dead baby in her office and assumed that the baby was Starr's, unaware that Jessica's alter Bess had swapped out Starr's healthy baby for the stillborn girl Jessica had delivered hours earlier.
When Todd arrived home, he discovered that John McBain had busted into the house to rescue a shocked Marty, who was unsure what to believe when John told her that Todd had been the one who had led her gang rape many years before. Todd admitted the truth to a horrified Marty, who watched as John beat Todd to a bloody pulp. Marty then took John's gun and threatened to kill Todd on the spot, but eventually relented. Todd was taken to the hospital, and everyone in town soon learned what he had been up to for all those months. Todd was horrified to learn that Starr's baby had died, and admitted to Starr that he had planned to kidnap the baby and run away with Marty.
Nora filed criminal charges against Todd, and Todd's ex-wife Téa Delgado returned to town to represent Todd, against his wishes. Téa managed to get the charges related to Marty dropped, successfully arguing that Todd had exercised poor judgment but had not held Marty against her will nor had he raped her. But then Todd faced new charges when Starr told everyone that Todd had planned to steal her baby. Awaiting trial for those charges, Marty lured Todd to the Palace Hotel on New Year's Eve and convinced him to jump from the roof to make it up to her for what he had done. Todd jumped but landed in the river below. John jumped in the water and retrieved Todd, and Blair revived him, much to Marty's disgust.
Todd told Téa not to cross-examine Starr on the stand, so she went to Starr and said Starr's father had tried to commit suicide because he was in anguish over his role in her baby's death. Faced with this news, and after getting pressure from her brother Jack not to send their father away to prison, Starr shocked everyone on the stand when she recanted her earlier statements and lied that Todd had never told her he planned to steal her baby. Téa then had Todd publish a front-page story in the Sun, revealing the true identity of Janet Ketring, who was in a safe house, waiting to testify against Todd. Janet escaped from the safe house but ended up dead at Todd's house, stabbed in the heart with a knife from Todd's kitchen. Téa walked into the house and found Todd holding the knife and lying beside the body. Worried that the cops would pin the murder on Todd, Téa told the cops that she had killed Janet in self-defense. Without Janet or Starr's testimony, the charges against Todd were dismissed. However, Todd was forced to admit to everyone what he had done to Starr and Marty when Nora threatened to charge Starr with perjury.
In February 2009, Todd reluctantly agreed to accompany Téa to the Go Red Ball, so she could try to get information on Wes Granger, a former Navy SEAL who had a connection to Janet Ketring. Marty had dragged Wes to the ball and proceeded to get drunk and make a scene in front of everyone. The event devolved into a drunken free-for-all, with Todd and Wes exchanging blows and Wes holding a knife to Todd's throat before officers broke it up. Blair got drunk, as well, and was horrified to wake up in bed the next morning next to Todd, who said he'd taken her back to his place because she was in no condition to drive or go home. The next morning, everyone was shocked to discover Wes had been stabbed to death, and Marty was arrested on suspicion of killing him, although she was soon released.
After having an argument with Blair over the phone about not being able to see his children, Todd went to Dorian's home and found Blair stabbed repeatedly and clinging to life. Dorian, who had found Blair's body moments before Todd walked in, accused Todd of doing the crime. Todd assured Starr that he would never try to kill the mother of his children. He was thrown into jail after assaulting police officer Talia Sahid. When Téa showed up at the jail cell, she told Todd that she was dropping him as a client because she wasn't sure of his innocence. But the real reason was that Téa was still in love with Todd, and was trying to cut him out of her life.
After he was released from jail, Todd went to court to get custody of his children because Blair was in the hospital. Dorian hired Téa to represent Blair, and Téa shocked Todd by showing up in court and announcing that the children would be well cared for by their new stepfather, John McBain. Although Todd told the judge that the marriage was a sham, the court agreed to give John custody of the children. Todd was livid with Téa, and soon figured out that she was doing all of this because she was still in love with him. Todd said he would give himself to Téa in exchange for her going to court and admitting that Blair and John's marriage was a sham. Téa let Todd believe she would do it, and Todd complied by making love to her. But then Téa turned the tables on Todd and said she would never risk her career by admitting she had perpetuated a fraud on the court. Todd was furious at being duped but continued to flirt with Téa.
Todd was shocked when former frat brother Zach Rosen appeared in his office, fresh from jail and asking for money. Todd rebuffed Zach, but then Zach showed up at Todd's house and held Starr and Cole hostage. Todd talked himself into the bedroom, where Zach was holding Starr, and helped Starr escape. When John burst into the room, a fight ensued, and Todd shot Zach, injuring him. After Talia turned up dead at Dorian's home, John was arrested for killing Talia and stabbing Blair. John escaped from jail and went on the run, and Todd scheduled another court appearance to regain custody of his kids. He distracted Téa by having sex with her in the courtroom and again in her hotel room, and Todd finally managed to win back his children.
When Blair found out what had happened, she signed herself out of the hospital and went to Todd's and insisted on staying there with her children. Todd, Blair, and Téa were all at Todd's house when they received invitations to a "spring fling reunion" and promptly collapsed from the laced invitations. They woke up at the KAD house, where Powell Lord had reconstructed the room in which Marty had been raped, in a twisted attempt to make Todd pay for his crimes. Powell urged one of the women to kill Todd, who was tied up on the bed, but when Téa tried to kill Powell instead, he locked up Téa and Blair downstairs. Alone in the room where the rape had occurred, Todd helped jog Marty's memory of that fateful night, and all of her memories raced back to her.
Powell's accomplice, Rebecca Lewis, learned that the baby being raised as Jessica's child was, in fact, Todd and Marty's granddaughter, Hope, and she kidnapped the child and took her to Powell. Marty and Todd weren't sure what to believe when Powell told them that the baby was their grandchild. Before Powell could kill Todd, John burst into the room and shot Powell dead. Viki confirmed to Todd that the baby was actually Starr and Cole's child, and after a brief period in which Jessica's alter Bess kidnapped the baby, Hope was returned to Todd and Blair and delivered safely to Starr and Cole.
During another round of the custody battle, Blair and Téa both admitted in open court that they felt Todd was the love of their lives. Todd tried to establish a real relationship with Téa and allowed her to stay in his home, while he was ordered to live with Blair and the children at La Boulaie. A jealous Blair threw herself at Todd and they had sex in the cabana at Dorian's pool. When Téa walked in and caught them in the act, she tearfully and angrily said she was through with Todd forever. But Todd begged her to forgive him and became even more attentive and loving toward her, even orchestrating a rooftop concert for her.
During a court-ordered therapy session, Marty told Todd he needed to leave his past with Blair behind in order to move forward with Téa and said he needed to be open about his feelings with Téa. Todd quickly proposed to Téa, catching her off-guard. Todd sensed she was not ready to commit, but soon Téa agreed to marry him. What Todd didn't realize was that Téa had agreed to marry him only after believing she had secured a divorce from Ross Rayburn, whom she had married after being stranded on the deserted island and had been trying to divorce for some time. Although Téa tried to tell Todd the truth about her past marriage before the wedding, Todd's insistence that the past was behind them silenced her.
Todd and Téa were married September 29, 2009. The next day, however, Blair told Todd that the marriage was invalid because Téa was already married to Ross. When Todd confronted Téa, she tried to explain that Blair and Ross had duped her into thinking she was actually divorced, but Todd was stung by her dishonesty and kicked her out. When Téa confronted Blair at La Boulaie, Blair managed to get Téa to admit that there was another secret she was keeping from Todd: that Téa had given birth to Todd's child. During a struggle, Blair fell out of a second-story window and landed on a pool cover, right in front of Todd, who was at Dorian's, looking for Téa. Blair's injuries were minor, but she was unable to remember what Téa had told her before her fall.
When Blair eventually recalled what Téa had told her, she kept the truth from Todd because she was afraid it would pull Todd and Téa back together. Blair instead told Todd that Téa and Ross were after Todd's money, and Téa went along with the lie after seeing how easily Todd believed it. Todd couldn't get Téa out of his head, however, and began tailing her, tracking her movements from Llanview to a private boarding school in London and then to a hospital in Seattle. Todd flew to Seattle and saved Téa from being attacked by Ross, who was angry after being told by Téa that Danielle wasn't his child.
Todd quickly realized that Téa's daughter was his, but he and Téa put off telling Danielle the truth after Ross kidnapped Danielle and threatened to take her out of the country. In a police standoff at the Canadian border, an armed Ross tried to convince Danielle to jump off a bridge with him. Todd grabbed a gun and shot Ross, who plunged into the icy water below and was presumed dead. Danielle was furious at Téa and Todd and vowed never to forgive Todd for killing her father. Back in Llanview, Danielle held Todd at gunpoint on New Year's Eve and threatened to shoot him before Blair appeared and talked her out of it.
Todd was angry when Téa told him she could no longer be with him, since Dani blamed him for Ross's death. He was despondent when Téa decided to take Dani back to Tahiti. They soon returned to Llanview, and Todd learned that Dani knew that Todd was her father. Danielle learned about all of Todd's crimes through an online search and wanted even less to do with him than before. Téa again told Todd she couldn't be with him. After Blair rejected his advances, Todd poured himself into his work at the Sun and offered Blair's cousin Kelly Cramer a job when she returned to town, knowing it would upset Blair. Kelly took the job, but turned down Todd's offer for sex.
Todd was not pleased when he learned that Llanview High School was staging a musical based on Starr and Cole's life, including everything Todd had done to keep them apart. He tried to revise the play to whitewash his crimes but thought better of it and, when he went to tell Starr, he walked in on Cole and a student named Hannah, who was wearing only her bra. Todd assumed they were having an affair, even though nothing was going on, and went ballistic, shoving Cole and telling him that he wouldn't rest until Cole was out of Starr's life. Cole stood up to Todd, but Todd told Cole that Starr would always side with her father and always forgive him. Todd then barged into Marty's office and blamed her for taking Cole to town in the first place. He accused Marty of sabotaging his life and told her to move away with Cole and her unborn baby with John, but Marty refused to back down and told Todd he couldn't control them. Marty then was pushed down the stairs, causing her to miscarry, and Todd faced accusations from Téa and John that he had pushed Marty.
Todd was blindsided when Cole showed up at the high school and began beating him, saying Hannah claimed to have seen Todd push Marty down the stairs. Todd was rushed to the hospital and flat-lined, having a vision of his family getting along well without him. He came to after imagining that Danielle had gotten pregnant by John McBain -- only to find John McBain in his hospital room, there to arrest him for pushing Marty and killing their unborn baby. Todd claimed his innocence and suspected that Hannah had pushed Marty to drive a wedge between Cole and Starr. Todd's suspicions were bolstered when Robert Ford, the teaching assistant who had dumped Hannah, was found bludgeoned nearly to death, and Hannah evaded police questioning about her whereabouts the night of the crime.
As Todd prepared to go to trial, he learned from Blair that Téa had been diagnosed with a brain tumor and only had months to live. Todd berated Téa for keeping the news from him and Dani but became her closest ally, taking Téa to her appointments and helping her get the treatment she needed. Dani, still unaware that Téa was dying, was angry to find Todd taking a more active role in her mother's life, assuming he was sucking up to Téa because of his impending trial. Todd and Téa were forced to tell Dani the truth after Téa had a brief scare and was sent to the hospital, but Dani felt closer to Todd as a result of seeing how good he had been to her mother. Todd also proved himself to Dani when he offered to pay a ransom to free her boyfriend, Nate Salinger, who had been kidnapped by a thug named Bull, who was trying to recover $50,000 Nate had stolen from the quarry. Todd shot and killed Bull during a struggle, freeing Nate.
The charges against Todd for pushing Marty and killing her unborn baby were dismissed after Hannah O'Connor admitted to the crime, although no one knew she had been coerced into confessing by the true culprit, Eli Clarke. Todd quickly proposed to Téa, who accepted, and they arranged a hasty wedding before a justice of the peace. Just before the wedding, Téa accused Todd of being an imposter because he didn't look like the man she had previously married. But Téa eventually remembered that Todd had gotten plastic surgery and blamed the confusion on her worsening condition. Todd and Téa married, but the honeymoon was short-lived. Téa learned she only had weeks to live, and she decided to go away to a hospice to spare Todd and Dani from seeing her suffer.
Todd and Dani pleaded with Téa to change her mind, but Téa insisted on leaving before her illness got any worse and bid Todd and Dani a final goodbye. She told Todd that she was naming Blair as Dani's legal guardian if anything happened to him before Dani turned 18. Todd tried to track Téa down, without success. He even kidnapped Shaun, who knew where Téa had gone, but Shaun initially refused to betray Téa's confidence. Eventually Dani convinced Shaun to take Todd and Dani to the hospice. However, when they arrived, Dr. Greg Evans informed them that Téa had died the night before and that her body had already been sent off to be cremated. Todd accused Greg of lying, but Dani urged him to accept that Téa was gone.
Todd became nervous when Dani told him she had gotten a text message she believed was from Ross, saying he was returning for her. Sure enough, Ross showed up at Todd's house with a signed copy of Téa's will that named him as Dani's legal guardian. Todd knew the will was a fake, but he had no way to prove it. Ross showed up at Téa's memorial service, and Todd pulled out a gun and threatened to kill him before Blair intervened. Ross had taped the encounter and played it in court before the judge, hurting Todd's chances of getting custody.
Desperate, Todd tracked down Greg Evans at the Cherryvale Clinic and took him back to Llanview to testify that Téa had wanted Todd and Dani to be together. But Greg stunned Todd and the rest of the people in the courtroom when he testified that Téa had told him she wanted Ross to raise Dani. The judge awarded full custody to Ross and gave Dani one hour to pack her bags before returning with Ross to Tahiti. As Dani packed her things upstairs, a frantic Todd got a call from an unknown number and heard Téa say his name. They got disconnected, however, and when Todd called back the number, the woman who answered said it was a misdial. Blair convinced Todd that he was just hearing things. Dani disappeared from the house, and Todd realized that Nate had gotten her to safety before Ross could take her.
Todd and Blair were stunned when they learned that Elijah Clarke was alive. Todd went to the docks to get his boat ready to set sail with the family when he ran into Eli, who was brandishing a gun. Todd pulled out his own gun and fired, shooting Eli in the shoulder. But Eli got away, and then Ross appeared out of the water, having been shot by Eli. Todd pulled him onto the docks; Ross told Todd that Eli was after Dani, then Ross died.
Dani showed up and didn't believe Todd's story that Eli had killed Ross. She bolted, and later, Todd learned that Eli had kidnapped Dani, Starr, and Hope. Eli called Todd and demanded 50 million dollars in exchange for the girls, but everyone worried when Eli would only let Todd talk to Dani and not Starr. Todd balked when Eli demanded Blair in exchange for the hostages, but he relented when John said they didn't have a choice. Todd was relieved when Eli handed over Dani in exchange for Blair, but when he realized Blair had disappeared, Eli set off an explosion as Todd watched in horror.
As Dani was treated for her injuries, Todd and John raced inside the warehouse. When the roof of the warehouse collapsed, everyone feared that Todd, John, and anyone else inside had perished. Todd and John had survived but were trapped in an underground tunnel. When Todd thought he heard Téa's voice yet again, John told him that Téa was in fact alive and might have been in the warehouse when it exploded. Todd and John dug through a collapsed wall and pulled Blair to safety. Blair said it was a miracle, and told Todd to brace for another one as he turned to see Téa staring back at him. Todd and Téa shared a heartfelt reunion and, along with John and Blair, managed to escape the warehouse unharmed. Once Téa was released from the hospital, Todd took her home and told her how grateful he was to have her back. He organized a party to celebrate their wedding and her homecoming.
When Todd learned that Hannah O'Connor had kidnapped Starr and Hope, who had barely survived the ordeal, he irrationally blamed Marty because Hannah had been in Marty's care. Todd tricked Starr into signing a restraining order that kept Marty from seeing Hope and then taunted Marty with it. When Todd learned that Nate's father, Eddie, had made crude remarks to Dani, Todd went to Eddie and threatened his life. He then hired Rex Balsom to dig up dirt on Eddie. After Eddie turned up murdered, the police found one of Todd's cufflinks in Eddie's hotel room, and Todd accused Marty of planting it there to get back at him for issuing the restraining order. It turned out that Nate had left the cufflink in the room when he had stolen jewelry from the Mannings' home in a misguided attempt to frame his father for the crime so Eddie would be sent to jail.
On Valentine's Day 2011, Todd walked in on Dani and Nate about to make love. Todd began threatening Nate, while Dani called Starr in a panic. Starr and James arrived and got Todd to ease up, but Dani was furious and stormed off with Nate. They holed up at Viki's cabin in the woods, and Dani called Téa to let her know she was okay. Todd was furious when he learned that Téa had heard from Dani but hadn't said anything to him. Todd coerced Inez into revealing where the kids were and then stormed up to the cabin. Enraged, Todd threatened the kids with a gun that turned out to be a fake and forbade Dani from seeing Nate again. After the kids left, Téa tied Todd up and forced him to admit that he was wrong to threaten the kids and said that Dani would be grounded for running away.
Todd met Téa's estranged older brother, Tomas, and took an instant dislike to him. Tomas, who had previously met Blair in Paris, researched Todd's past and told Todd he didn't want Téa anywhere near Todd. In March 2011, Todd and John were walking out of Rodi's when a sniper opened fire, shooting Todd in the stomach and leaving him in a coma.
Todd awoke from his coma after six weeks and immediately named Tomas as his shooter, although all he remembered was seeing Tomas standing in the window. But Tomas was arrested after his fingerprints were found on a syringe that was left in Todd's room. Todd left his hospital room and went to see Tomas in jail, where Tomas told Todd that he knew things about him that he wouldn't want made public. After Todd returned to his hospital room, he recanted his accusation that Tomas had shot him. John rattled Todd by presenting him with an encrypted CIA file featuring a photo of Todd with his original face. Todd eluded John's questions of why he had a CIA file and why Tomas had a similar file.
Tomas gave Todd a disc containing information about Todd's past that he didn't want revealed. Todd was later stunned when Marty showed up with Natalie's baby, Liam, and threatened to give the disc to the authorities if he didn't allow her to hide out in his pool house. Todd told Tomas that Marty knew they were in cahoots. After Tomas learned that Marty had been married to Patrick Thornhart, he told Todd that Patrick was actually alive and he arranged to have Patrick released from an undisclosed location so he could be reunited with Marty. Marty was dubious but agreed to get on the plane with Patrick and leave Liam behind. Before she left, she told Todd that John was actually Liam's father and made Todd swear to tell John. But Todd kept John in the dark.
In July 2011, Sam was kidnapped from his home during his birthday party. Todd got a call from the kidnapper and went to his office at the Sun to meet the man. There, Todd came face to face with a man who had Todd Manning's original face, who swore that he was really Todd Manning. The man who had been living as Todd for the past eight years stared in disbelief and called him a freak. The kidnapper brought Todd to his home at gunpoint, but before they could enter they were stopped by Agent Baker, a rogue CIA agent who had been keeping the man with Todd's original face captive. Baker assured Todd that they would deal with this imposter and they carted him off. Todd learned Sam was found unharmed but told no one about his encounter with the man. Later, Baker told Todd that the man was dead and would no longer be a problem.
In August 2011, the man with Todd's original face showed up at a movie opening and declared to a stunned Blair, Téa, Starr and Jack that he was Todd Manning. The man who had been living as Todd Manning insisted that the man was a fraud and confided in Téa that he had gotten involved with Baker several years earlier when Baker approached him about funneling money through The Sun in exchange for business opportunities. When Todd realized that Baker was a rogue CIA agent he tried to get out of the deal, which is when Baker sent someone to kill him. Tomas, a former CIA agent who also worked for Baker, found out about the plan to kill Todd and saved his life. Tomas confided in Blair that he had been sent by Baker to kill Todd eight years ago and delivered him to Baker after finding him bound and gagged in Victor Lord's crypt. Tomas told Blair he had no idea which man was the real Todd and had tried to get a blood sample from Todd after his recent shooting to test the DNA, but he was stopped before he could draw the blood.
John stunned everyone by revealing that both men were a match for Todd. Both men asked for another test. While waiting for the results, John tracked down Baker at a secret facility in Louisiana. John, Tomas and Brody raided the facility and found Irene Manning -- Todd's believed-dead mother. They brought Irene back to Llanview, where she revealed that both men were twins and that the man who had lived for the past eight years as Todd was actually Todd's twin brother, Victor Lord Jr. Victor didn't want to believe it, and at first even lied to his family that he was the real Todd. But Téa reminded everyone that Victor really believed he was Todd, and the kids agreed that the time they had spent with him believing he was their father couldn't be erased.
Victor had no memories of his former self before Irene transformed him into Todd, and he struggled to carve out his own identity. Téa assured him that he was the man she had fallen in love with and married, and the two shared an intimate night together. Todd was eager to reclaim his old life, including his family and the Sun newspaper, but Victor told his brother that he would not be giving up everything without a fight. Victor was startled to get a call from Irene, who was still being held in jail, and decided to pay her a visit. Irene tried to exert her control over Victor and convince him to bail her out of jail, but Victor nearly strangled her to death before the cops pulled him off of her. Irene warned Victor that Todd would take everything away from him, including his children, Blair and Téa.
Jack warned Victor that Todd had stolen the gun from Dorian's safe and was out for blood. Blair urged Victor to seek protection, and Victor was in the process of leaving a message on Shaun's answering machine when an intruder walked into the house and shot Victor at point-blank range. Téa came home to find Victor bleeding profusely and barely alive. Téa pleaded with Victor not to leave her and struggled to keep him alive. She asked Victor who had shot him and Victor began to pronounce a word beginning with the letter T before losing consciousness. The paramedics arrived and briefly tried to resuscitate Victor but they were too late. They pronounced Victor dead, as a horrified Téa struggled to process what had just happened.
In January 2012, Victor Jr. was revealed to be alive and being held captive by a crazed Allison Perkins, who had recently escaped from Statesville Prison.
In April 2013, Victor escaped from where he was being held and shocked his family by showing up at the hospital, where Dani had been admitted after overdosing on pills. With the exception of his brother, everyone was overjoyed to learn that Victor was alive and welcomed him home. Téa filled Victor in on the past months of her life and announced that she had become pregnant before Victor's presumed death but the child did not survive. After Téa shared what she had been through, she asked Victor to talk about where he had been and how he received a tattoo of a circle with spirals inside. Victor refused to discuss what had happened. He certainly didn't tell Téa that he had subdued a man who was chasing him the night he reappeared.
As Victor adjusted to life back in Llanview, he reclaimed his place as the father figure to Dani and Jack, much to Todd's dismay. Victor decided to deal with Todd by poisoning the liquor in his hotel room. Todd ingested some of the poison and then asked Victor to put their family first and asked for a truce. Victor agreed and removed the poison from Todd's hotel room.
But after seeing an armed man in the coffee shop bearing the same tattoo that Victor had, Victor stunned Téa by suddenly announcing he had to go away again and that he didn't know when - or if - he would return. He said goodbye to the children and then paid Todd a visit. Todd was livid to learn Victor was abandoning his family, saying he should have killed him when he had the chance. Victor stunned Todd with a punch to the throat and then proceeded to choke him until he passed out, but not before revealing that he had been poisoning Todd. After Victor's disappearance, the police recovered a body in the river bearing the same tattoo as Victor's and assembled evidence proving that Victor was trying to poison Todd.
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